Für die BoundCon kam die Lieferung zu spät, aber wir haben jetzt zehn Exemplare von „Tattoo“ in München vorrätig. Die englischsprachige Version des 304 Seiten starken Kataloges der Ausstellung
„Tatoueurs, tatoués“ im Pariser Musée du Quai Branly (noch bis 18. Oktober).
Mit Beiträgen von
Anne & Julien,
Pascal Bagot, Joe Cummings,
Anna Felicity Friedman,
Sébastien Galliot,
Alan Govenar, Martha V. Henry,
Horiyoshi III, Ami Ishimatsu, Simon Jean, Andréa Juno,
Lars Krutak, Florence Lamy,
Filip Leu,
Karl Marc, Michael McCabe,
Freddy Negrete,
Jérôme Pierrat,
Luc Renaut,
V. Vale und Yoshimi Yamamoto.
„This book explores the artistic nature of tattooing and celebrates its
living, creative, changing essence. Alongside the omniscience of
tattoing throughout the world for thousands of years, presented through
rare artifacts, the book pays tribute to the pioneers of the modern era,
those responsible for its great transformation into the mainstream.
Tattooing has become one of the most dynamic artistic currents of our
era and is ever-evolving, despite the great revolutions the art has
undergone. This book looks to its foremost representatives, the tattoo
artists themselves, the guardians of the temple. With this in mind, two
types of contemporary workshop creations have been produced. The first
one presents thirteen silicone models, thirteen extracts of the body,
prints modelled from actual people, used by tattoo artists in the
exercise of their art, machine worked or using traditional tools,
depending on their daily practice. In search of a mise en abyme, blank
canvases were offered to other artists, in the classic application known
as body suit.
The artists featuring in the book are world recognized.
All active continents are represented: Europe, America, Asia and
Oceania. All practitioners are respected by their peers for their
contribution to the art. Finally there is a series of photos presenting
the two most recent currents in modern tattooing, a locker room of
aesthetic graphics that firmly root tattooing in the third millennium.“
So lange der Vorrat reicht für jeweils 45 Euro.
Update: Passend zum Thema befand das Verwaltungsgericht Darmstadt aktuell (
Aktenzeichen 1 L 528/14.DA), daß Tattoos selbst heute noch
„als Zeichen eines gesteigerten Erlebnisdrangs verstanden werden könnten. Solche Tätowierungen würden eine überzogene Individualität zum Ausdruck bringen, die die Toleranz anderer übermäßig beanspruche.“ Und bestätigte damit die Entscheidung der Bundespolizei, eine Bewerberin für den Polizeidienst wegen ihrer Tätowierung abzulehnen.